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Use npm to install the Blueink Javascript Library

npm install blueink-client-js

How do I import the client and other helpers from the Library?

Recommended: You can import the client in ES module style if your environment supports it:

import { Client } from 'blueink-client-js';

Or you can import the client in CommonJS style:

const { Client } = require('blueink-client-js');

How do I initialize the client?

import { Client } from 'blueink-client-js';

const client = new Client('Your-Blueink-Private-Api-Key');

If your Blueink Private API Key is not provided, the library will look for BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY in the environment or in a file named .env in the local directory.

You can also pass a custom Bluink API URL when intializing the client:

const client = new Client('Your-Blueink-Private-Api-Key', 'Blueink-URL');

You can also specify the Blueink API URL via the environment or a .env file as a variable named BLUEINK_API_URL.

Note: setting a custom Blueink API URL is not required for most use cases, as the default URL is configured for Blueink's production environment.


import { Client } from 'blueink-client-js';

Create an instance of the API Client
and initialize it with the credentials
const client = new Client(process.env.BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY);

//Create wrapper async function
const listAllBundles = async () => {
// The try/catch statement needs to be called from within an asynchronous function
try {
// Call bundles.list methods to get all bundles in the Blueink account
const bundleList = await client.bundles.list();

console.log('Here is your all bundles: ', bundleList);

// Get the bundles with status co (complete)
const completedBundleList = await client.bundles.list({
status: 'co',

console.log('Here is your all completed bundles: ', completedBundleList);
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
console.log('There was an error in your request: ', error.response);
} else {
console.log('Unexpected Error: ', error);

// Invokes the async function

We provide the paged list where it has a generator function so you can fetch the next or previous page just using nextPage or previousPage methods

import { BlueInkClient } from 'blueink-client-js';

const client = new BlueInkClient(process.env.BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY);

const pagedListAllBundles = async () => {
try {
// Call bundles.list methods to get all bundles in the Blueink account
// Passing the related_data will fetch bundle's events, data, files at once
const pagedList = await client.bundles.pagedList({
page: 5,
per_page: 10,
related_data: true,

console.log('Here is your all bundles with related data at page 5: ', pagedList);

// To get the rest of the pages, we use iterator
for (let page of pagedList.pages) {
const currentPageData = await page;
console.log('Your current page: ', currentPageData);

// Simply and fast fetch the next page using nextPage method
const nextPageData = await pagedList.nextPage();

console.log('Here is your next page data: ', nextPageData);

// Similarly, fetching previous page is simple enough
const previousPageData = await pagedList.previousPage();

console.log('Here is your previous page data: ', previousPageData);
} catch (error) {
// Error handling
if (error.response) {
console.log('There was an error in your request: ', error.response);
} else {
console.log('Unexpected Error: ', error);

// Invokes the async function

Creating a new Bundle can be tedious and complex. Therefore, we provide BundleHelper which helps you to create a new bundle with less error prone. To create a new bundle, we can either use addDocumentByPath, addDocumentByUrl, addDocumentByFile.

import { Client, BundleHelper } from 'blueink-client-js';

const client = new Client(process.env.BLUEINK_PRIVATE_API_KEY);

const createNewBundle = async () => {
try {
// Initialize the BundleHelper with basic bundle information
const bundleHelper = new BundleHelper({
label: 'New Bundle Created Using File Path',
requester_email: '[email protected]',
requester_name: 'Mr. Example',
email_subject: 'Yay First Bundle',
email_message: 'This is your first bundle.',

// Adding a new document is easy with addDocument* method
const docKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentByPath('path-to-your-file.pdf', {
key: 'DOC-1', // key will be generated automatically if not provided

/* Adding a new document url
const docKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentByUrl("url-to-pdf-file", {
key: "DOC-1", // key will be generated automatically if not provided

/* Adding a new document file
const docKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentByFile(file, {
key: "DOC-1", // key will be generated automatically if not provided

// Add a new signer to your bundle
const signerKey = bundleHelper.addSigner({
name: 'The Signer One',
email: '[email protected]',

// Add a new field to your document and assign it to the signer
bundleHelper.addField(docKey, {
label: 'Your Name',
page: 1,
kind: 'txt',
editors: [signerKey],
x: 15,
y: 60,
w: 20,
h: 3,

// We also provide addDocumentTemplate
const templateKey = bundleHelper.addDocumentTemplate({
template_id: 'Your-template-id-here',

bundleHelper.assignRole(signerKey, templateKey, 'your-role-id');

// Finally, call create method from the client to create a new bundle
const newBundleData = await client.bundles.create(bundleHelper.asData());

console.log('Creating a new bundle is easy: ', newBundleData);
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
console.log('There was an error in your request: ', error.response);
} else {
console.log('Unexpected Error: ', error);

// Invokes the async function

Client Method Index

Parameters can be found using autocomplete within your IDE. Creates/Updates take a Javascript dictionary as the data field.

  • Create via client.bundles.create(...) or client.bundles.createFromBundleHelper(...)
  • List via client.bundles.list(...) or client.bundles.pagedList(...)
  • Retrieve via client.bundles.retrieve(...)
  • Cancel via client.bundles.cancel(...)
  • List Events via client.bundles.listEvents(...)
  • List Files via client.bundles.listFiles(...)
  • List Data via client.bundles.listData(...)
  • Create via client.persons.create(...) or client.persons.createFromPersonHelper(...)
  • List via client.persons.list(...) or client.persons.pagedList(...)
  • Retrieve via client.persons.retrieve(...)
  • Delete via client.persons.delete(...)
  • Update via client.persons.update(...)
  • Update via client.packets.update(...)
  • Create Embedded Signing URL via client.packets.embedUrl(...)
  • Retrieve COE via client.packets.retrieveCOE(...)
  • Remind via client.packets.remind(...)
  • List via client.templates.list(...) or client.templates.pagedList(...)
  • Retrieve via client.templates.retrieve(...)

Webhook Client Methods

  • Create via client.webhooks.create(...)
  • List via client.webhooks.list(...)
  • Retrieve via client.webhooks.retrieve(...)
  • Delete via client.webhooks.delete(...)
  • Update via client.webhooks.update(...)

WebhookExtraHeader Client Methods

  • Create via client.webhooks.createHeader(...)
  • List via client.webhooks.listHeaders(...)
  • Retrieve via client.webhooks.retrieveHeader(...)
  • Delete via client.webhooks.deleteHeader(...)
  • Update via client.webhooks.updateHeader(...)

WebhookEvent Client Methods

  • List via client.webhooks.listEvents(...)
  • Retrieve via client.webhooks.retrieveEvent(...)

WebhookDelivery Client Methods

  • List via client.webhooks.listDeliveries(...)
  • Retrieve via client.webhooks.retrieveDelivery(...)

Detailed Guide and Examples


Creating Bundles with the BundleHelper

When creating a Bundle via the API, you need to pass quite a bit of data in the client.bundle.create(...) request. To ease the construction of that data, this library provides a BundleHelper class.

Below is an example of using BundleHelper to create a Bundle with 1 document, and 1 signers. In this example, the uploaded document is specified via a URL. View full example

const client = new Client(BLUEINK_API_KEY);

const createBundleFromUrl = async () => {
try {
const bundleHelper = new BundleHelper({
label: 'New Bundle Created Using File URL',
requester_email: '[email protected]',
requester_name: 'Mr. Peter',
email_subject: 'Yay First Bundle',
email_message: 'This is your first bundle.',

// # Add a document to the Bundle by providing a publicly accessible URL where
// # the Blueink platform can download the document to include in the Bundle
const fileUrl = '';
const docKey1 = bundleHelper.addDocumentByUrl(fileUrl, {
key: 'DOC-1',

const signer1 = bundleHelper.addSigner({
name: 'The Signer One',
email: '[email protected]',

const field = bundleHelper.addField(docKey1, {
label: 'Your Name',
page: 1,
kind: 'txt',
editors: [signer1],
x: 15,
y: 60,
w: 20,
h: 3,

const response = await client.bundles.create(bundleHelper.asData());
} catch (error) {
if (error.response) {
} else {

Using the BundleHelper, you can add files to a Bundle in multiple ways:

const bh = new BundleHelper(...)

// 1) Add a document using a URL to a web resource:
const docKey01 = bh.addDocumentByUrl("")

// 2) Add a document using a path to the file in the local filesystem
const docKey02 = bh.addDocumentByPath("/path/to/file/example.pdf")

// 3) Add a document using a UTF-8 encoded Base64 string:
const filename = 'test-sample'
const pdfB64 = 'JVBERi0xLjMKMyAwI...'
const docKey03 = bh.addDocumentByB64(filename, pdfB64)


Getting a single bundle is fairly easy. They can be accessed with a single call. To get the additional data (events, files, data), set the related_data flag to true.

const response = client.bundles.retrieve(bundleId, { related_data: true });
const bundle =;

// # additional data fields (only exist if related_data is true)
const events =;
const files = bundle.files;
const data =;


Listing has several options regarding pagination. You can also choose to append the additional data on each retrieved bundle as you can with single fetches. client.bundles.pagedList() returns an iterator object that lazy loads subsequent pages. If no parameters are set, it will start at page 0 and have up to 50 bundles per page.

// EXAMPLE: Collecting all bundle IDs
const pageIterator = client.bundles.pagedList({
related_data, //bool
per_page: pagination.per_page,


Creating a person is similar to a creating a Bundle. There is a PersonHelper to help create a person

const client = new Client(BLUEINK_API_KEY)
const ph = new PersonHelper();

const personSampleUpdate = {
name: 'Stewie Griffin',
channels: []

function createPerson() {
// Make up some metadata to add to the person
const metadata = {
number: 1,
string: "stringy",
dict: { number: 2 },
list: [3]
//# Set the metadata of the person

// Set the persons name
ph.setName("Brian Griffin");
// Add email contacts for the person
ph.addEmail("[email protected]");
ph.addEmail("[email protected]");

// Get all of the emails for the person
let allCurrentEmails = ph.getEmails();
console.log("All Current Emails:", allCurrentEmails)

// Remove an email from the list
allCurrentEmails.splice(allCurrentEmails.indexOf("[email protected]"), 1);

// Overwrite the existing email list with this new list
// Effectively removing [email protected] list

// Add phone number contact for the person

// Get all of the phone numbers for the person
let allCurrentPhones = ph.getPhones();
console.log("All Current Phones:", allCurrentPhones)
// Remove a phone number from the list

// Overwrite the existing phone list with this new list
// Effectively removing last phone number

createResp = await client.persons.createFromPersonHelper(ph);
person =;
console.log(`Created person ${}`);
function updatePerson(personId) {
const updateResp = await client.persons.update(
person =;
console.log(`Updated person ${JSON.stringify(person)}`);
function retrievePerson(personId) {
const retrieveResp = await client.persons.retrieve(personId);
person =;
console.log(`Retrieved person ${JSON.stringify(person)}`);
function deletePerson(personId) {
const deleteResp = await client.persons.delete(personId);
console.log(`Deleted person ${personId}`);


Packets can be updated. Reminders may be triggered, and COEs can be retrieve using the client:

// Retrieve

// Update
client.packets.update(packetId, payload);

// Remind

// Get COE


Templates can be listed (non-paged), listed (paged) or retrieved singly:

// Non paged
const templatesListResponse = await client.templates.list();

// Paged
for await (const page of client.templates.pagedList()) {
const templatesInPage =;
// Do something with templatesInPage

// Single
const templateResponse = await client.templates.retrieve(templateId);


Webhooks can be interacted with via several methods. Webhooks also have related objects, such as WebhookExtraHeaders, WebhookEvents, and WebhookDeliveries which have their own methods to interact with.

const client = new Client(BLUEINK_API_KEY)
const webHookSample = {
url: "",
enable: true,
json: true,
event_types: [

const webHookSampleUpdate = {
url: "",
enabled: false,

const webHookSampleExtraHeader = {
name: "Courage_The_Cowardly_Webhook",
value: "Muriel Bagge",
order: 0,

function createWebhook() {
createResp = await client.webhooks.create(webHookSample);
webhook =;
console.log(`Created webhook ${}`);

function updateWebhook(webhookId) {
const updateResp = await client.webhooks.update(
webhook =;
console.log(`Updated webhook ${}`);

function createExtraHeader(webhookId) {
const extraHeaderData = { ...webHookSampleExtraHeader };
extraHeaderData["webhook"] = webhookId;
const createHeaderResp = await client.webhooks.createHeader(
header =;
`Added ExtraHeader ${JSON.stringify(header)} to ${header.webhook}`

function listWebhooks() {
const listResp = await client.webhooks.list();
webhookList =;
console.log(`Found ${webhookList.length} Webhooks`);
for (wh of webhookList) {
console.log(` - Webhook ID: ${} to ${wh.url}`);

function deleteWebhook(webhookId) {
const webhookId = await askWebhookId();
const deleteResp = await client.webhooks.delete(webhookId);
console.log(`Deleted Webhook ${webhookId}`);

Full Examples

To run the example:

npm run create-bundle-from-path
npm run create-bundle-from-url
npm run create-bundle-from-template
npm run create-bundle-from-b64
npm run list-bundles
npm run interact-persons
npm run interact-webhooks