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A PHP client to interact with the BlueInk REST API. For an overview of the API, see the API v2 Documentation.

This client library relies on guzzle and snorlax, under the hood.

Getting Started

use BlueInk\ApiClient\Client;

$client = new Client('<API_KEY_HERE>');

// Get a list of Bundles
$bundle_list = $client->bundles->list();

// $bundle_list is the parsed data from the response. To
// get the actual response object, do:
$response = $client->bundles->getLastResponse();

// Retrieve a single Bundle
$bundle_id = $bundle_list[0]->id;
$bundle = $client->bundles->retrieve($bundle_id);

// Get a list of Templates
$template_list = $client->templates->list();

// Assume there was at least one Document Template setup in the account
$template_01 = $template_list[0];
// Save the $role for later, so we can map our signer to
// this role in the template.
$role = $template_01->roles[0];

// Setup data for a request to create a new Bundle,
// using an existing template.
$request_data = [
'label' => 'A Test Bundle',
'is_test' => true,
'packets' => [
'name' => 'Peter Gibbons',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'key' => 'signer-1',
'documents' => [
'key' => 'doc-01',
'template_id' => $template_01->id,
'assignments' => [
'role' => $role,
'signer' => 'signer-01'
// Create and send a new Bundle.
// Note that we pass the request data as 'json', which results in
// in the request body being sent as application/json data
$new_bundle = $client->bundles->create([ 'json' => $request_data ]);

Error Handling and Exceptions

Requests raise exceptions if an error is encountered. This includes networking errors (connection timeout, DNS errors, etc), server errors (5XX status codes), and application-level errors (4XX status codes).

See documentation on Guzzle exceptions

All exceptions extend from GuzzleHttp\Exception\TransferException.

You can handle specific classes of errors as follows:

All exceptions are in the namespace GuzzleHttp\Exception.

  • 4XX errors: ClientException
  • 5XX errors: ServerException
  • Networking errors: ConnectException
  • Too many redirects: TooManyRedirectsException

Or catch multiple classes of exceptions:

  • BadResponseException: 4XX and 5XX
  • RequestException: 4XX, 5XX and networking errors
  • TransferException: All errors that can be thrown during a request / response

Handle Multiple Errors by Catching a RequestException

try {
} catch (RequestException $e) {
// A 4XX, 5XX or networking error occured
echo 'Got an exception';
$response = $e->getResponse();
echo "Status Code: " . $response->getStatusCode() . "\n";
echo "Reason: " . $response->getReasonPhrase() . "\n";

// Dump the error details, which are formatted
// as described in the APIv2 documentation.

Handle Different Error Types Individually

try {
} catch (ClientException $e) {
// handle 4XX error
} catch (ServerException $e) {
// handle 5xx error
} catch (RequestException $e) {
// handle any other error


API operations that return lists of data (e.g. /bundles/, /persons/) are paginated.

$bundles = $client->bundles->list();
$response = $client->bundles->getLastResponse();

Code Conventions

We use the following naming conventions in this code base:

  • ClassName
  • methodName
  • propertyName
  • function_name (meant for global functions)
  • $variable_name
  • CONSTANT_NAME (created with define(...))